Friday, April 30, 2010

Yellowstone National Park. There is nothing quite like it on earth. Everyone has a favorite National Park and it may be Yellowstone. All the National Parks have their own beauty.

Most of these pictures were taken in September, 2005. At the time I had gone digital and was using a Nikon D70 camera and an 18-70mm zoom lens. There are a couple of pictures (at Great Fountain Geyser) that were taken in 2009. I've noted those pictures.

Enjoy !
Upper Geyser Basin/Old Faithful Geyser.

These pictures were taken on our first day in the park:

Upper Geyser Basin/Old Faithful Geyser.

This was taken on the second day in the park:

Upper Geyser Basin/Castle Geyser:

Upper Geyser Basin/Sponge Geyser:

Ok, this isn't Sponge Geyser. I can't remember the name of the spring, but it is colorful and that is why I included it.

Upper Geyser Basin/Sawmill Geyser:

Upper Geyser Basin/Various geysers and pools:

Belgian Pool

Economic Geyser

Wave Spring

Chromatic Pool

Upper Geyser Basin/Giant Geyser:

Upper Geyser Basin/Grotto Geyser:

Upper Geyser Basin/Riverside Geyser:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Upper Geyser Basin/North of Grotto Geyser:

Spa Geyser

I think this is Comet Geyser near Daisy and Splendid Geysers.

Punch Bowl Spring

Morning Glory Pool

Upper Geyser Basin/Biscuit Basin:

Black Opal Spring

Sapphire Spring

Sapphire Spring and an unknown geyser erupting

Upper Geyser Basin/Biscuit Basin/Jewel Geyser:

Upper Geyser Basin/Biscuit Basin/Mustard Spring